We do not charge fees for your use of our site. Neither do we require access codes, IDs, or passwords. As the web has become a vast source of information from which we have benefited, it is our shared mission to help spread knowledge that will improve human conditions.
Even as we do so, we remain mindful of our need to respect laws concerning intellectual property and proprietary rights. We likewise enjoin you to do the same as a condition for citing our resource materials. Give credit where credit is due. Let us acknowledge the correct source of copyright data.
As we undertake to screen information posted on our site, it is equally incumbent upon our users to act responsibly at all times. Note that you are prohibited from using our site, or the information and resources available herein, for any unlawful activity, whether or not they will cause loss or damage to any person, organization, business entity, or governmental authority.
By using our site, you acknowledge and agree that other sites linked to our domain do not bear our express endorsement or approval. We have no control over their content and must consequently bear no responsibility for their actions. Neither do we vouch for the accuracy of their disclosed information. Even so, we encourage you to call our attention to any false statements or instances that may constitute clear violations of law.
Our website is NOT engaged in rendering professional advice (and claims no medical, accounting, legal or scientific expertise). For such purposes, our users are hereby urged to engage the services of competent professionals.
Responsibility for the use and application of any information, service, or product posted herein should solely be that of the reader or user, client, subscriber, or affiliate. By using this site, you not only acknowledge our inherent limitations but likewise agree not to hold us liable for losses or damages of any kind, including business reverses, lost clients, loss of income or opportunities, decrease in profits, or any other form of financial or economic prejudice.
Even though we sincerely hope that success will crown your efforts, we do not (and cannot) guarantee tremendous results. Remember that every business has risks, and you should be ready to take them if you embark on an Internet business. Corollary, we stand by our claims concerning what we attained through faithful adherence to the principles we share.
We reserve the right to update this Policy Statement at any time without prior personal notice – which is impractical given the sheer number of users and visitors to our site.
Should there be occasions when we allow or require you to provide personal data, material, or information, such request bears our assurance that we will strive to maintain confidentiality regarding the same. In the same way, you are duty-bound to provide correct information about matters you are legally permitted to disclose.
Lastly, we invoke and incorporate herein by direct reference the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 as they apply to our services. We appreciate your commitment to uphold our standards on this site!
Collection and Use of Information
Here you will also find subscription offers for various materials. Our sites necessarily ask for contact information such as your name and email address to avail of such. As we do so, please know that we respect and protect our users’ privacy. We likewise provide a way for you to opt out of the communication sequence should you find it intrusive or undeserving of your sustained interest.
Should you choose to participate further, be advised that we must consequently collect information that would enable us to deliver on our commitments. During this entire process, disclosure of data remains purely voluntary, although your receipt of our materials remains dependent on the accuracy of the information you provide. You will then note that every fact solicited is innocuously basic. Aside from asking you to create an account, you might be made to post a comment or write a short blog. This even occurs in minimal instances.
In some cases (not via a registration process), we may automatically collect routine technical data upon connection to our sites. Still, our system will never hack or gather personally identifiable information but instead try to determine certain particulars that may include browser types, internet protocol (IP) addresses, internet service providers (ISPs), referring/exit pages, platform types, date/time stamps and number of clicks to analyze trends to help us better administer our sites, or track aggregate movements and identify demographic data. We may also assign a small file called a cookie on your hard drive to provide you with a better user experience. A cookie does not in any way give us access to your computer or any personally identifiable information about you. Instead, cookies allow us to adapt our websites to your preferences and interests. Most internet browsers even allow cookies to be erased from a computer’s hard drive. Browser settings may also be modified to outrightly decline or receive a warning before a cookie is stored [For detailed instructions, please refer to your browser aids or help functions.]
We uphold high privacy standards at all times, knowing that success rests on our ability to maintain your trust and confidence. Never in the past did we use, disseminate, or share information in ways unrelated to the purposes for which we communicate. Neither do we send spam or sell information to third parties. All accounts related to our use of the information will be legitimate and fully compliant with appropriate legal measures and existing statutory safeguards.
Should you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our privacy policy, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at digitalgrowthph@gmail.com.
© 2022 Digital Growth PH. All rights reserved.